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Unboxing my 100k Subscriber Silver Play Button | basically me trying not to cry

Duration: 06:33Views: 2.4KLikes: 283Date Created: Dec, 2019

Channel: Jeremy Clyde

Category: Howto & Style

Tags: 100k plaquemens fashion100k play button unboxing100k silver play button 2019100k play button 2019unboxing 100k play button100k subscriber silver play buttonunboxingimjeremyclydemens stylevintage fashionunboxing 100k plaquejeremy clydemens hair

Description: I feel so blessed and thankful to have received this 100k Subscriber Silver Play Button. I love all of you guys and this literally would not have happened without any of you. This is for you. S O C I A L M E D I A S ☛ Blog: imjeremyclyde.com ☛ Instagram: @imjeremyclyde | bit.ly/2yV646R ☛ Twitter: @imjeremyclyde | bit.ly/2gx8rFx ☛ Snapchat: @j_clyde1 ☛ Spotify Playlist: spoti.fi/2CsO4Ps C O N T A C T I N F O ☛ jeremy@imjeremyclyde.com M U S I C ☛ F A Q ☛ What camera do you use? Lumix G7 + Canon G7X ☛ What editing software do you use? Adobe Premiere Pro ☛ Where are you from? California ☛ What's your ethnicity/race? Filipino ☛ How old are you? 21 ☛ How tall are you? 5'6/5'7 I think D I S C L O S U R E Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you. Your support is truly appreciated!

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